“Learn, Think, Experience and Explore”
Learn / 学)JSG Corporate Visit

Washington State has a number of prominent companies that deals with global operations and many of those businesses that work within the US-Japan space are members of the Society. Through the membership network, JSG regularly visits these corporate members. We provide these opportunities to learn more about each company for young people who wish to work in a global setting.
Explore / 行)JSG School Visit

JSGの学校訪問は、Japan In the Schoolsプログラムのカリキュラムの一つとして、現地校の教室やジャパンクラブに、自身の経験に基づいたものをベースにPPTを作成し、英語で紹介しています。
JSG makes school visits as part of the Japan In the Schools program curriculum, and members create presentations based on their experiences and present them in English.
Through cultural exchange, we will be able to see ourselves, Japan, and culture with a brand new perspective.
Experience / 経)JSG Workshop

The culmination of learning, thinking, and exploring will be through a JSG workshop. The workshop provides a space to listen to a speaker, cultivate our thoughts, and present our findings.
Think / 考)JSG Zadankai

The JSG Zadankai is a round-table discussion format, where we invite a diversity of people who are doing various work within the State and converse together to think further about our future.