The 98th Celebration and Auction starts TONIGHT at 5:30 pm PST. Join us starting at 5:10 pm get in your last-minute silent auction bids and enjoy some pre-event entertainment.
Watch the live stream on our auction site or Youtube!
If you haven’t already done so, visit our auction site and click “Get Started” to register to participate in our auctions and Raise the Paddle!
Our silent auction closed tonight at 5:30 pm PST. Bid now to get one of our lovely auction items.
Purchase raffle tickets by 6:00 pm and enter to win one of our amazing prizes!

Important! You must create another account for the auction site, even if you have already purchased items such as raffle tickets or game tickets.
- Click “Get Started“
- Click “Create Account“
- Enter your email address and check the “I am not a robot” box
- Hit “Confirm“
- You will get an email with a link
- Click the link in your email to create a password and finish setting up your account
- Note: You will need to endter your credit card information a 2nd time during this step.

Once you have created an account on the auction site, you can click the “Get Started” button to log in:
- Click “Get Started“
- Enter your username and Password (set up in the account creation steps above)
- Click “lOG IN“
- It will take you to a screen with a big orange “Start Bidding” button
- Click “Start Bidding” to get started

A special thank you to our sponsors