What is the Friendship Circle Program?
The Friendship Circle Program is a cultural exchange network that promotes connection between the peoples of Japan and Washington State through education. It includes both Corporate Members and Regular Members and gives those living in Japan the opportunity to network and enrich their visit when coming to study or work in Washington State.
Friendship Circle Members are a specific category of membership at JASSW and is limited to those who reside in Japan. Friendship Circle Members who come to Washington State to study or work have the opportunity to enrich their experience through this program by networking with our other Society members who volunteer their time and expertise to provide exclusive company tours at places like Starbucks and Microsoft. Gain first-hand knowledge about the city with a local as your guide through the city to locations of your choosing.

Visit places like the Nisei Veteran’s Community Memorial Hall and the Japanese Cultural Community Center with other Society members to gain a deeper understanding of the Japanese American history of Washington and form life-long connections between Japan and the state of Washington as a member of the Friendship Circle.
Becoming a Friendship Circle Ambassador
Friendship Circle Members who volunteer with the Japan in the Schools (JIS) program – either as a volunteer helping during lessons or becoming a lead presenter and teaching lessons about Japan – visit schools in Washington and gain first-hand experience of American classrooms while teaching about Japanese language and culture.

After returning to Japan, you can become an America in the Schools (AIS) volunteer – teaching educators and students about American culture and education system. Become a Friendship Circle Ambassador by participating in both our education programs – Japan in the Schools (JIS) in the States, and America in the Schools (AIS) in Japan and help promote understanding and friendship through education.

As a member, you will become part of the network of Society and community members that are included in additional events such as the Holiday Card Exchange Program!
There are two types of Friendship Circle memberships: Corporate and Individual
Friendship Circle Corporate Membership
Where a single organization, whether a corporation, partnership or otherwise with no office or representation in Washington State, is desirous of maintaining a membership under its business name and having one of its designated representatives serve as an active member of the Society, it may do so. Each Friendship Circle Corporate Membership shall be entitled to one vote at the annual meeting of the Society and at any special meeting duly called pursuant hereto.
Friendship Circle Regular Membership
A Friendship Circle Regular Membership consists of an individual residing in Japan. Each such membership shall have one (1) vote at the annual meeting of the Society and at any special meeting duly called pursuant hereto.