Home Centennial


Building Bridges to the Next Century

For 100 remarkable years, JASSW has forged friendship and understanding between the peoples of Japan and Washington State.

We delight in bringing people together in so many ways:

  • From classrooms to boardrooms
  • Lively discussions with community partners
  • In-person opportunities to learn from and celebrate each other

We also participate in the national network of JAS organizations to sustain and strengthen the vital U.S.-Japan relationship.

It is an important mission, but it is also lots of fun.

Join us in helping shape the next 100 years of the Japan-U.S. relationship through educational, cultural, business and opportunities for life-long friendships.

Thank You to Our Centennial 百寿 Milestone Sponsors!


James G Wilders Reed & Family




The Farmer Family

Yuka Shimizu (BCA/WPS)


Sara Sandford

Ken and Shoko Farmer

Takeo Sato

Karin Zaugg Black and Dan Black

Tsutomu (Tom) and Yoko Sasaki

Toshi and Yukiko Kawachi

Akiko Sato

Yoshi Minegishi

Kenichi Uchikura

Naomi Minegishi

Ken Shibusawa

Sarah Ellerbrock

Maki (Hasegawa) Kawamura

Dennis Yamashita

Tsuneko Nakatani

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Kanako Matsumoto

Medallion Foods Inc.

Lt Col (Ret) Michael Yaguchi and Mrs. Diane Yaguchi

Christopher Cummins

Shigeki and Iyoko Okano

Yoshio Nose

Jane Stonecipher

Adam Goff

Amya Miller

Akemi Sagawa

Christopher and Victoria Helm

Masami Katayama

Pac-Maru Inc.

Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLLC

In Honor of Kay Hashimoto

*Sponsors in each level are listed in order of when the sponsorship was received.