Thank you to those of you who joined us last week on Tuesday for our “Learning About SDGs through Outdoor Activities” webinar with Dr. Yuko Kakazu of Subaru Telescope and Sophia Danenberg of Boeing! We hope you were able to learn more about the importance and relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)! Below is a short recap of our event and more information about our new Joint Speaker Series!

Our JASSW-OIST Joint Speaker Series Kick-Off Event started off smoothly with a few words about the new initiative from Mr. David Janes, President of the New York-based OIST Foundation.
Mr. Kenji Ushimaru, a JASSW Events Committee member, moderated the highly-anticipated event. Our first speaker was OIST Foundation’s Education Ambassador, astronomer Dr. Yuko Kakazu. The second speaker was Sophia Danenberg, a well-known mountain climber and an International Policy Leader for Boeing – a Benefactor Corporate Member for JASSW. This year, the Society is focusing its efforts on emphasizing the importance of the SDGs, and our panelists were able to further the audience’s knowledge and awareness of the SDGs by sharing their stories on their careers and experiences.
For the Joint Speaker Series, the Japan-America Society of the State of Washington will share the webinar recordings for two weeks following the day of the event to the registrants only. However, as this is our kick-off event and to drum up more interest in the series, this special webinar will be made available to the public indefinitely. Please take a look and hope you’re as excited as we are for this new series!
JASSW-OIST Joint Speaker SeriesキックオフイベントはNew York本部のOIST FoundationよりプレジデントのMr. David Janesのプログラム紹介で華々しく開催されました。
JASSW Events Committee Memberの牛丸謙二氏がモデレーターを務めた記念すべき第一回のスピーカーは、OIST側からはFoundation’s Education Ambassadorの天文学者Dr. Yuko Kakazu.
そしてBoeing (JASSW Benefactor Member) からInternational Policy Leaderでmountain climberでもあるSophia Danenbergさんをお迎えし、ご自身のキャリアや経験を通して今年ワシントン州日米協会が皆さんと共に考えたいSDGsについてのご意見を語っていただきました。 ワシントン州日米協会ではレジストレーションをされた皆様に、当日のイベントビデオを2週間限定でシェアいたしますが、このシリーズへのご理解を深める為に今回のみ特別に一般向けに公開します。 皆様奮ってご視聴下さい。